MN licensees cannot repeat the same course within their own 2 year license period. So if you have taken the same class live, you can not also get credit for the on-demand version within your 2 year license period.
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Showing Red Flags - 1.25 Hours CE

This course helps attendees catch larger issues before an inspection. Buyers and agents will be better informed earlier in the buying process. The course covers easily visible issues in major home systems. These include chimneys, roofs, siding & windows, wet basements, plumbing & HVAC, electrical, and unusual interior stains.

Attendees will be able to write more informed purchase agreements and offers, by accounting for major easily-seen defects. 

MN licensees cannot repeat the same course within their own 2 year license period. So if you have taken the same class live, you cant also get credit for the on-demand version within your 2 year license period. 

 After you take the final exam, we will submit your CE to the state. It may take up to a week for the credit to appear in Pulse.

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 1.25 hours of Real Estate continuing education, course #1033021.

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